Spark Stream part 1: build data pipelines with Spark Structured Streaming

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14 min readApr 18, 2019


Spark Structured Streaming is a new engine introduced with Apache Spark 2 used for processing streaming data. It is built on top of the existing Spark SQL engine and the Spark DataFrame. The Structured Streaming engine shares the same API as with the Spark SQL engine and is as easy to use. Spark Structured Streaming models streaming data as an infinite table. Its API allows the execution of long-running SQL queries on a stream abstracted as a table. It is quite easy to use. We based this tutorial on a common workflow where events are consumed from a Kafka topic to familiarize yourself with Spark Structured Streaming and to discover one of the most developer-friendly streaming engines out there.

A brief description of Spark Structured Streaming from its programming guide reads:

Spark Structured Streaming provides fast, scalable, fault-tolerant, end-to-end exactly-once stream processing without the user having to reason about streaming.

This article is the first part of a two-part series, maybe three. The first part focuses on the streaming and the use case. The streaming data will be ingested with Kafka and then Spark Structured Streaming will be leveraged to process data in near real-time. The second part describes the scenario of the same pipeline on a Hadoop cluster and tackles the difficulties of moving into production.

The Taxi data slightly modified for the Apache Flink Training will be used. It contains a collection of ride events with information such as the driver id, the amount paid, and an indication if the ride is starting or ending. Data is available in two compressed files: nycTaxiRides.gz with rides’ essential information including geographical localization, and nycTaxiFares.gz conveying the rides’ financial information. The size of the used dataset is small (below 100MB), but original NYC Taxi Rides data amounts to over 500GB if you wish to run it on a cluster.

The selected use case is the identification of the Manhattan neighborhoods that are most likely to yield high tips. A cab driver with such information could favor places that recently peaked in tips to boost his earning. Note about the pertinence of this dataset, tip data is collected only from payments by card, whereas in…




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